by Jeffrey Brock | Mar 13, 2010 | Blog
Since I was one of the lucky few who didn’t watch last night’s mesmerizing green meteor shower and thus didn’t go blind (my eyes were locked to my Mac as usual), I am currently defending Portland from the Triffid spores that landed in the marsh next...
by Jeffrey Brock | Mar 12, 2010 | Blog
I promise this Photo 365 project won’t be filled with felines, but I couldn’t resist how the lines of our cat Butter’s face extended his fortune-cookie blanket.
by Jeffrey Brock | Mar 11, 2010 | Blog
Since today was cold and rainy outside, I decided to turn my lens inside the apartment. I lit a few candles in the shower, set up the tripod, worked up a cloud of steam and unfocused the camera for this shot.
by Jeffrey Brock | Mar 10, 2010 | Blog
This morning I came back out to the parking lot of New Seasons (my favorite environmentally conscious local supermarket) to find that a circus clown must have had some horrible accident underneath my car.
by Jeffrey Brock | Mar 9, 2010 | Blog
One of the benefits of living adjacent to MAX (Portland’s spiffy light rail) is the work access path alongside my building — and the stacks of old rail ties. When I spotted these ties covered in pink graffiti, I knew they’d go nicely with...