Southeast Marketing launches

[intlink id=”47″ type=”page”][/intlink] A new site developed by the Studio, [intlink id=”47″ type=”page”]Southeast Marketing[/intlink], went live today.
A Valentine’s Flash eCard for AIDS/LifeCycle

A Valentine’s Flash eCard for AIDS/LifeCycle

In the midst of a rough economy, non-profits such as [intlink id=”204″ type=”page”]AIDS/LifeCycle[/intlink] are looking for creative ways to fundraise. So they asked me to build a Flash eCard that participants could send to friends and family,...

Mama Cash Campaign 88 Days launches

[intlink id=”49″ type=”page”][/intlink] [intlink id=”49″ type=”page”]Campaign 88 Days[/intlink], the annual fundraising campaign for Mama Cash (an international women’s rights organization based in Amsterdam), is now...

The Kidney TRUST Launches

[intlink id=”44″ type=”page”][/intlink] The Studio launched the revised website for [intlink id=”44″ type=”page”]The Kidney TRUST[/intlink] from designer comps, using customized WordPress templates.

Complete gallery of AIDS/LifeCycle 7 photos

[intlink id=”29″ type=”page”][/intlink] The [intlink id=”29″ type=”page”]complete gallery of AIDS/LifeCycle 7 photos[/intlink] is now posted. These galleries feature nearly 2,000 of Jeff’s photos from this life-changing...