by Jeffrey Brock | Jul 1, 1994 | Writing
WHEN MARIA VASQUEZ woke up for her first day of classes at Stanford University in 1989, the media robbed her of the carefree honeymoon that new students usually enjoy as they absorb their surroundings. A note slipped under her door during the night informed her that a...
by Jeffrey Brock | Jul 1, 1994 | Writing
As Laverne Morrissey recounts the parable that convinced her to work as an alcohol counselor at the American Indian Center of Santa Clara Valley in 1975, the quiet strength that has made her a foundation in her community shines through. With a gently repetitive style,...
by Jeffrey Brock | Jun 1, 1994 | Writing
Mike Demma is loco for locomotives, and his wife Kathy won’t let anyone forget how maddening his madness can be. “He almost killed us one time,” she says. “We were driving along on our vacation and there were these train tracks…”...
by Jeffrey Brock | May 1, 1994 | Acting, Writing
ALTHOUGH HE helped change American society through the Chicano movement, Tino Esparza doesn’t proclaim himself a hero. Rather, he reverently narrates from memory the names of the students and community activists he’s worked with on each landmark struggle....
by Jeffrey Brock | May 1, 1994 | Writing
DURING SAN JOSE GIANTS home games, the door to Buzz Hardy’s Municipal Stadium office doubles as the front of a booth for Heineken beer sales. And although Hardy could reach over and snag some brew at any point during his long work days, his friends take to the...
by Jeffrey Brock | Apr 1, 1994 | Writing
STEPHANIE SCHAEFFER isn’t just winging it with her hobby — a Mother Earth holism propels her to become a confident falconer. “I’ve always felt like I’m in tune with nature,” she asserts matter-of-factly. “I’m a part of it. I...